LASIK Consult Night – Recap

LASIK Consult Night – Recap

Congratulations to those of you that were able to take part in our first ever Lasik Consult Night, and thank you for helping to make it a smashing success! Quite a few of you are now well on your way to being glasses and contacts free, and we are happy to have been able to work with our partners over at Nvision to be able to get you an exclusive deal on LASIK.

If you are reading this and are a little jealous because you could not attend, NOT TO WORRY! The event was such a success that we have begun talks with Nvision set up another consult night and another promotion for Spring of 2018. Seeing as our first night was so popular, if you would like to have the first opportunity to schedule for our next Consult Night, you can give us a call and add your name to the list. Once a date is set, we will give you a call and get you scheduled before we send out our promotional materials for the event.

Thank you again to all who made our first Nvision Consult Night such a so great, and we look forward to helping even more of our wonderful patients in the future!